FOSDEM 2018 is approaching fast. There will be a Hardware Enablement Devroom, among many other very interesting ones. We invite everybody to come and participate:
Important dates
- Conference date: 3 & 4 February 2018 in Brussels, Belgium
- Devroom date: Sunday 4 February 2018
- Submission deadline: Sunday 26 November 2017
- Speaker notified: Sunday 10 December 2017
In this devroom we want to discuss topics surrounding hardware enablement. Subjects can range from the firmware running on the bare metal machine, drivers and plumbing all the way to the user interface.
We welcome a board range of presentations, including but not limited to technical talks, state of union summaries as well as discussions that facilitate the collaboration between community members, software vendors and OEMs. A particular emphasis will be given to talks covering a significant part of the software stack involved in hardware enablement, with an obvious focus on using open source throughout the whole stack.
Visit for general information about FOSDEM.

Talk Format
- To cover the wide range of topics we will prefer short talks (about 15-25 minutes). Please include at least 5 minutes for discussions and questions.
- Presentations will be recorded and streamed. Sending your proposal implies giving permission to be recorded. Exceptions may be possible.
- Proposals need to be submitted via pentabarf (see "Submission" below for details)
Topics & Examples
- UX design to enable users to use their HW effectively
- Firmware:
- coreboot
- flashrom
- UEFI EDK2 (Tianocore)
- Security
- Lockdown of platform using firmware
- Updating
- Secure Boot
- Hardware testing / certification
- Thunderbolt 3 security modes
- Gaming input devices (keyboards, mice, piper)
- Biometric authentication
- Miracast or controlling remote devices
- Why vendors should facilitate upstream development
The FOSDEM Pentabarf is used for submission and scheduling:
- Please reuse and existing account otherwise register a new one.
- Please provide your full name and email address. If you provide bio then this will be visible publically.
- Create a new event:
- Select "Hardware Enablement devroom" as the track
- Provide a descriptive title
- Provide a public abstract for your talk
- Add any further information for paper review into the submission notes (e.g. outline, why this devroom)